


Pre-Nuptial Agreements: As couples begin their married lives, each may have ideas about how they want their marriage to operate, certain assets they wish to protect, and thoughts about how certain matters should be handled upon death, separation, divorce, or other events. The firm will draft and negotiate prenuptial agreements on behalf of our clients in a manner that ensures the client’s desires are met and that hopefully minimizes the trauma of divorce, death, or other unhappy life-changing event. We recommend that clients considering prenuptial agreements meet with us as far in advance of their wedding date as possible so that the agreement can be negotiated and entered without pressure and in an amicable fashion.

Post-Nuptial Agreements: Some couples agree on principal or for various reasons not to obtain a divorce and wish merely to segregate their financial affairs. Others may have considered divorce but wish to reconcile with the knowledge that in the event of divorce or separation, they have an agreement that resolves all issues arising out of their marriage. The firm can assist you with a post-nuptial agreement that allows you to remain married while accomplishing whatever financial or personal goals you may have.

Marital Settlement Agreements: When couples seek an amicable divorce or have agreed in principle on matters related to their marriage, our attorneys can draft and appropriate Settlement Agreement formalizing the resolution of these issues. We also draft Settlement Agreements in cases where the parties reach a resolution through mediation or during the litigation process. Regardless of the stage of your case, Cooper Ginsberg Gray will formalize your settlement terms to resolve your case and provide you stability for the future.